Is content king? Has “Content Marketing” now come of age?

Is your content being Showcase‘d?

Well it has been nearly six weeks since certain companies were asked to trial Showcase pages then four weeks again before other companies were asked to trial them and then LinkedIn opened Showcase Pages up to all companies a fortnight ago, but what are they?

With more and more Professional People using LinkedIn not just as a networking or connection facility but also as a search and research platform, then information does really need to stand out. So with information and content becoming richer and richer, the aspect of Content Marketing within LinkedIn needed improving. So with LinkedIn having:-

something was needed to deliver a way of producing information that was relevant, rich and full of content – so, the marketing of what companies could offer was crucial. It had to be something where “Content Marketing” was king and beneficial to promoting that company’s services or products in a rich vein.

However, Companies could already just post new status updates or add/update Products and Services on their page but not a way of making something stand out that was rich in content. Thus, a focused facility was needed, which had all the aspects of a Company Page but was not only a sub-section of the Company Page whilst also being a page that stood out on its own. Hence Showcase Pages were created which where effectively sub-pages of the Company Page together with being able to deliver rich Content Marketing of products, programmes, services, etc via a direct link or page.

So, if your company has a wide range of products or portfolio of services which you want to promote separately, then Showcase is the solution. By being able to label your Showcase page with your specific name, wording or branding, people entering those in to the search bar on the LinkedIn page will be able to discover your Showcase page.

The building of a page which allows for focused content and a page which is rich of your Content Marketing creates a facility on a Social Networking platform which delivers greater visibility and the creation of deeper engagement between all parties – prospective client, client, customer and supplying company – which enhances and takes the brand to another level.

Examples of Showcase pages include:-

For more information on this, ask any questions or take part in a training session on this subject, contact myself via here or fill in the form below:-

Data and information taken from various sources including:-

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