Are you really an Engager?
If I asked your clients or followers – would they say are a Giver, Taker or an actually Engager?
So when trying to educate yourself – do you use Social Media?
Facebook? Google+? LinkedIn? Twitter?
One of the key things about establishing yourself or your company via any of the Social Media platforms, is to create “Engagement”. This interaction called “Engagement” is a two-way thing, however, within the Social Media environment it can be one-sided, none more so than when people seem to reach the top and become “Influencer’s” or “Expert’s”!!
I thought I may just explain about “Engagement” and how it can (or should I say) work. When “Engagement” takes place, it is because two people interact between each other. The interaction is where you make exchanges and communicate, thus “Engaging” in discussion on a variety of topics. The “Engagement” process is directly between two people directly thus creating a partnership….
However, within the medium that is Social Media, the process of “Engagement” seems to take two strands, depending on where you are and what you are doing. Let me explain this via a split explanation:-
– When you are small (ie you have ten’s or hundred’s of followers and you follow them back (ie matching one to one of followers to following), you talk and exchange information regularly. You may not do it on every point, but if you are on-line ( or if using lists* ) then you interact with these people in real-time based on the messages or status updates you see. This is just like “Engagement” and is at the top – so you could first layer interaction. You may even get some comments from the connections of your first layer – thus these are your second and third layers. Thus, the more and more interaction, the better you can gain rankings through platforms like Klout** and Kred** to increase your scores. Most people with good interaction always levitate between 45 and 60 using Klout** scoring.
– If you look at the larger people with the Social Media industry, (i.e people with thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers), have you noticed how many they follow back? Sometimes it is less than 2,000 but most of the time 1,000. Or in some cases, some of these “Influencer’s” or “Expert’s” actually do follow back one to one. Now the way most of these people engage, is by sharing information with you which you then share and then your connections share too. Thus the first, second and sometimes third layers share this information which is creating their “Engagement”.
Now, the interaction of the lower layers circulating and sharing the information is creating the “Engagement”, which leads to creating positive influencing scores on Klout** or Kred**. Furthermore, whilst you maybe following them (and they might be following you back), have you actually noticed if they ever re-tweet or comment on your posts? Yes, it could be said they have many followers and can’t reply to every message, but how many do they actually reply to? Take a look, look at some of the people you follow and their timeline, how many of their messages are Re-Tweets or replies to people? Is this really “Engagement” if they are not interacting? Isn’t this one-sided?
So what should be thinking or doing?
The process of “Engagement” is the main key to getting everything set in place is to help you and your business grow. The main key is “Engagement” – you must engage to develop and keep being fresh. Too many people just constantly post, re-post and never engage – just think of doing that in your business, what would happen if you just communicated one way and never listened to your clients or prospective clients? You wouldn’t have a business at all – do you know of or can name a business with no interaction that is in business?
Whilst following influential people on Twitter or liking and following their pages on Facebook, may provide nuggets of information which are educational and help you to learn things, is this the right way forward? Did you ever learn anything at school, college or university by being just spoken too or receiving dictation without being able to ask questions back? No you didn’t – so the real position is to make sure you surround yourself with people you can communicate with on a regular basis – after-all communication is a two-way street……does this remind you of something?
So, whilst it may not always be possible, let me give you a few helpful hints and tips:-
- When people start following your page, always send them a thank you
- If people like a comment, you may not be able to thank everyone back, but post a thank you message so the interaction is seen and they know that you are seeing the likes
- Comments, try to reply to the comments on the post that people put there. As after-all they could be your next paying client or through the exchange of comments, you may learn something which can help you grow and succeed more.
- When people start ask to connect with you, when you accept, send them a thank you and introduction message explaining about yourself
- If someone ask’s to connect with you, wonder why they are doing it? They are obviously wanting to connect for a reason but why? So, why don’t you accept them and then send them a message, thanking them for asking to connect with you and why they wanted to connect? When they reply, you can then make the judgement as to whether to retain them as a connection
- When you see a post that you like or find interesting, why not share it with your connections, as if you find it useful, they may too. When you share this, be sure to include the name of the person you are sharing it from. This creates “Engagement” and shows your connections where you are learning from
- If your sharing something or you find it of interest, like it and/or comment on it as this will create “Engagement” with that person and their connections will see you and may wish to connect with you – these connections could become your connections and future clients
- Twitter is all about posting and sharing information – so if people share (ie Re-Tweet) your posts, thank them thus you are creating “Engagement”
- If people comment on one of your posts, then reply to them and start engaging
- If people follow you, always thank them for following and it shows you are communicating and engaging with them
All these points I have mentioned are all about communicating and thus you are creating “Engagement” with your audience which is your first layer and become to form part of your Circle of Influence.
So, if you are wanting to expand your Circle of Influence and develop further interaction with your audience, then start the interaction process and communicate.
You will have noticed (and probably said, not that word again) but look at the title – Are you a taker? Do you ever share? Are you Engaging? – this whole post has been about “Engagement” which is the key buzz word and what you should be doing during. Therefore, make sure you start 2014 by……………..
* – For more information on lists, please complete the form below and I will go through this with you
** – For more information on Klout and Kred, please complete the form below and I will go through this with you
If you have any questions either contact myself via here or complete the form below:-
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