In today’s society we seem to be wasting so much time on discussing the past and how we can/should be fixing the past, instead of looking ahead…..
The simple reason for looking ahead perfectly summed up in this statement here:-
” Regulation is addressing a problem in the rear view mirror rather than looking at the road ahead “
Yet all too often all we are doing is saying “What if…..” or “How about….” in relation to the past yet this fixing of problems isn’t doing anything to solve the much bigger problems which are arising just around the corner was we always believe that someone else will be looking at that……
But guess what, nobody is!! As if there was someone doing that, do you really think that you would be spending so much time work on fixing/finding solutions for the past?
As costs continue to soar, we are aren’t looking at how we can deliver a cost saving future as we aren’t prepared to invest in happy to reduce costs when no profit is involved.
We need to start looking at how we can develop Social Enterprise which by capitalising on Green Energy, Kinetic Energy and Renewable Energy can produce a huge impact today on the way we work and the environment – not just talk about how it can help in the future…..
Whether we start at home or in the workplace, by making it compulsory that all new projects contain Air or Ground Source heating facilities as well as combining Solar and Kinetic Energy production, homes and workplaces will virtually have no energy costs and this is such a powerful proposition we need to be looking at today…….
But why won’t Councils do this?
The main reason is that they are too afraid to be forward thinking yet they are so happy to give grants to Companies, Research Centres/Groups and University’s to look at developing this technology whilst it already has been around for 15 to 20 years!
We have to stop keeping reinventing the wheel and actually start looking at what’s already in place and further enhancing/improving “The Wheel” to start delivering both environmentally and financially beneficial solutions to help improve our society…..
To learn more about how we can improve tomorrow’s society today, please do get in touch via completing the form below:-
Ian Calvert provides a range of Services whilst being a Brand Ambassador, Brand Advocate, Brand Evangelist and Social Business partner for many companies not just in the UK but Globally too. Thus, by keeping ahead of the game, Ian Calvert can help leverage and build the foundations for bringing both you and your company into 2018/2020 today. To discover more, feel free to contact via his website here.
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