Councils need to take back Apprenticeships and Apprenticeship Programmes in order to make their Community survives……

Today, the world is very much a different place from when we were at school back in the 1990’s, 1980’s, 1970’s or even in the 1960’s, but we can bring many of the principles of the 1950’s and 1960’s plus even the 1970’s into how we get businesses engaging with and working together with schools again.

In the mid and late 1980’s, we saw the emergence of Training Providers entering both the world of Education and Business to start the process of disrupting the whole model of helping schools prepare candidates for the business community within their towns and cities.

These Training Providers were able to provide cost savings and efficiencies that both sides wanted but totally ignored what that Business/Education partnership offered.

You speak to the business community and you’ll see how much they say education has been dumbed down and people skills has been lost, hence when these schoolchildren/students leave school, college or university, they don’t have the life skills that were present up to the early 1980’s.

If we are to create a workforce ready for tomorrow, then Councils need to step up for a WinWin solution by acting as the conduit for the Business and Education communities coming together.

Whether it be an Apprenticeship Provider or a Training Provider, they seem to be coming up with nothing more than a factory turning out “Apprentices to meet targets” and gather Government funding to make profits for themselves over delivering what companies really need.

By having a Council lead team delivering Careers Advice programmes can really deliver huge success to the City/Town as a whole as this would help the Council deliver a much wider programme.

Companies delivering the right programme to the school, can really shape the future workforce whilst the Council will be learning the shortfalls the City/Town has and how to plug these gaps.

A Council lead CDO programme will really bring huge financial rewards to the City/Town with real IT benefits being delivered to meet the needs of every school and the wider community too. 

Having a CDO lead programme via the schools in partnership with the local business community, means that every City/Town will be preparing a workforce ready for the 2020’s, 2030’s, 2040’s and beyond!

It’s time to remove commercial organisations from the schools and college environment as they are doing more damage to the workforce of tomorrow and the City/town than Councils realise!

It’s time for Councils to wake-up and take back control and prepare their footprint to look after the their Community of tomorrow……..

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Ian Calvert provides a range of Services whilst being a Brand Ambassador, Brand Advocate, Brand Evangelist and Social Business partner for many companies not just in the UK but Globally too. Thus, by keeping ahead of the game, Ian Calvert can help leverage and build the foundations for bringing both you and your company into 2018/2020 today. To discover more, feel free to contact via his website here.

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