Helping Aspiring Writers

After working for a number of years covering a range of business sectors, one thing is totally apparent from both sides of the fence – help, advice and assistance without having to pay (or by being giving advice that pushes you into buying their services) is not widely and freely available unless the people providing this advice can see a return for themselves.

Then a few years ago, things started to change…..

We started to see the rise of giving and sharing communities/economies beginning to appear across the world. This was like made out to be something new when it was just a re-invention of what has been around for hundreds of years, plus this often comes in cycles! Yet, they appear and then drift away on a frequent basis in the Western World but it is the foundation stone of 3rd World and under-developed countries.

However it seems that this time around, it seems it could be here to stay…..

Back in 2013, I was fortunate to discover something aimed to make giving and sharing have a long lasting a solid long-term place in our society – Impossible Lily Cole ( and with assistance of Jimmy Wales). Lily’s brain child, was founded to create a community where you help and share your time and talents with others. (For more information as to the background, people involved and the ethos, please visit the entry on Wikipedia about them here).

Over this period, I have helped to give and share advice with others by donating my time, others have held events and some people have shared items they don’t want or are re-cycling/up-cycling to help save throwing things away. Discover more about how Impossible have created a shop window for people start their own business by up-cycling items in to some great products – by visiting their on-line shop here.

Therefore, one thing I have found, is that there are many writers and aspiring writers that need help and assistance to promote their books yet need an outlet. So, I have created this section, for writers to share their thoughts – by allowing them to blog and share their thoughts/ideas – and to share excerpts from their books to promote their Books/ebooks for sale to help them attract a wider audience.

So, if you know any writers or would be writers looking for an outlet or new audience, please ask them to fill out the form below to contact myself about having them in this section.

Below, are a list of blogs, I am sharing together with the details about each author for you to discover more about them and discover their writings, thoughts, wishes, wants and Books/eBooks. I do hope you enjoy these and are able to help support and share their work….

Oh please, don’t forget to visit Impossible and sign-up to share and help others too…..let’s help and share to make our society a better place too….


  • Fia Essen – Is a writer based in Greece and after years of living around the world has settled in Greece and become a writer of “Chick Flick” literature but with an International twist base on her experiences and travels. She has already written two books – Ariel and Anna – and now on to her third novel Amanda coming out Christmas 2015.
Please visit her article here to learn more about what she is all about, looking to achieve as well as an insight into next novel….
Are you an aspiring writer wanting to be seen by a wider audience? Then please fill in the form below to have your own Blog Post listed here:-


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