So, what do I write? Am I writing about what has occurred in Quarter 1 or was it Quarter 4?
Many people when writing always seem to relate to time in relation to the year, seasons and what is happening but sometimes may drop in the odd comment about quarters – yet what are quarters?
Well for me, I think quarters are driven by work however, they not only relate to work but our life yet these are not really discussed by many – why not? In every day of our life, everything we do is determined not only by the money we have but those around us and our country.
So, if things around us are driven by money, why don’t we pay more attention to the whole picture and not us being selfish towards thinking of just ourselves? Hence, we need to think of quarters in relation to work as this does really have a great impact on our everyday lives.
So in essence, why sit back and think in quarters? Is it because, yes we could think of months but what happens if a small thing can make a big change to what we are doing that month? Thus we end up behind schedule and then fighting to play catch up?
So by thinking months, we aren’t creating a leap into a quarter and once you have landed in that a quarter – you have created thirteen weeks of business scheduling and planning – confusing? Now you have taken your thirteen weeks, you work out where you want to be in week fourteen – have you done that? Still confused?
By thinking in quarters, you can plan more effectively and break things down from there and work backwards. Now you know where you need to be, do you know what you need to do? Write everything day from what you need to earn, to what needs doing, what sales must be made (especially if these sales are restricted by sell by dates), etc, etc, as a list and start working you way through them. That is setting your goals simply for the quarter and if something happens, the list is still there to work on the next day.
One important thing though, make sure you have put an item in week six for setting next quarters goals. Always do this around week six as this is vital to the next stage of your business. Not only is this important because you can hit next quarter running without having to work out what you need to do for that quarter but what happens when a list is finished?
Set your goals to be realistic and achievable – you could put in one or two that you know will take two or three-quarters (maybe more) to achieve – as you need to get them done and completed successfully within the thirteen weeks. Now if you are lucky to have done that, next quarter’s list is done in week six and is sat ready for you to start……
So just remember those 5p’s as they will focus you from days to weeks to months to quarters to half years to years……….welcome to the world and life of business………
This blog was brought to you in conjunction with “5P’s”……..
And before you say it – yes that is the polite business version of the 7P’s model……
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