Social Media……
I don’t have time for that…..
In today’s busy world of fast moving news, technology and industry, one thing is becoming more and more apparent, and that is Social Media and the role it takes on every minute of our lives….
If you look at what we do in every minute that we are awake, there is hardly a minute where Social Media doesn’t interact with our lives or should we say Technology. But is Social Media Technology? And vice versa?
Well, in my opinion, I have to say YES it is as technology is the just method to deliver information to Applications (App’s) and then you are using further Technology to turn this data via the App’s into information that you can use or send to a third party.
Before you say it is not everywhere, maybe it isn’t now but it is coming and in some people’s lives they are using it or it is under trial as we speak. Oh and yes, even the bathroom can be included! From toilets being able to carry out analysis and send the results through to your Doctor and your toothbrush been able to data through to your Dentist saying how your gums are or if you are developing a cavity – bet that surprised you…..
With the kitchen being able to tell you via an App if you are low on certain items, to controlling your home via your Internet Enabled Telephone or Tablet and through to your car now being integrated with Technology like Ford vehicles are now (and have been for a while) utilising Blackberry Technology for various operations within the car AND this is before you have even arrived at work……..
So now you have arrived at work, you are now entering into another dimension of Social Media and then when you go home, the exposure is all there again…..
Thus, going back to the title “Social Media……Really……I don’t have time for that…..” that is the big question and I believe the answer is Yes as the real question what do you consider to be Social Media and how are you looking at it?
For me, Social Media is all about defining and sharing information that creates/evokes emotions and thoughts, which I want to share with people, whether this be on a Personal or a Business Level. The issue has always been, how do I do this? Do I share via my Blog, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Website or Xing and yet this list can go on and on with all the different App’s there are available plus that is before deciding, do I share this via my Personal or Business App platforms…..
This can be done by copying the link, adding text and placing on the platform, then posting whilst copying the post to then place on another App to post again and so on and so on. To help this process and make things easier, you can use Hootsuite or various other facilities that are available, but you still need to get the information and then create the post……
When I have shared this story with many people, the situation is not a new one and one that for some is quite frustrating, the level is based on how much you are wanting to share and across which platforms with your audience.
Fortunately, I was lucky enough, in one of many inspiring telephone conversations with Thomas Power during the Summer of 2013, to explain my ongoing frustration and the amount of time I was losing each day, when it transpired I add stumbled upon what was to be my possible solution….
This issue was something that was not new to Thomas and I wasn’t the first person who had been broaching the subject with him and he had the solution….at last something that deliver what I am after?
Actually nearly and very close actually! My issue like I mentioned above is seeing something or reading something and thus wanting to share this with my audience based on how I feel it should be shared. Should this go immediately, in a few hours, several hours later, overnight or the next day, maybe weekend? Plus is it work and should I (or do I) send it to all platforms and the same can be said personally too….
In-conjunction with a few other people, Thomas had quietly been working on Scredible to which he kindly invited myself to become part of the Alpha test programme of this App back at the start of Quarter 4 2013. The amazing thing is that it actually does what it said on the tin and it delivered! Now, I was able to gather all my news feeds from the newspapers, news stations and trade/technical websites all into one place, scroll through to see which articles were of interest to myself or my audience and then share it via my LinkedIn or Twitter profile and schedule them too if I didn’t want to share immediately…..RESULT….
The Alpha test offered the ability to share news items on my LinkedIn, Twitter or both profiles together immediately or schedule them for a later time and date. Whilst it only covered two App platforms, I could see what Thomas and the rest of the team at Scredible were developing and how much this would help. Already by using the Alpha platform it was providing to help so much and I knew that I couldn’t wait for the Summer of 2014 and it’s launch.
Well, a further boost came in January when Scredible up-graded to the Beta platform and sure enough, what an up-grade it was!
The Beta version of Scredible now allows you the ability to have three profiles, be able to choose which Facebook options you want (Personal or Business), LinkedIn (again Personal or Company Page) and Twitter. So now the posting can really be aimed at the audience you wanting to Engage and Influence. The next major step forward is that you can actually write and share/schedule your own information too.
So, what more can I say, than besides “Why are you still ready this and not signing up” except you should really apply for this App from Thomas and the team at Scredible, as not only will this App save you time on sourcing all the news you want, but also excel at helping you to share, engage and influence your audience…..
So to learn more what is happening and you can understand more, contact myself via here or complete the form below:-
Please note:- All images used are found and taken from the image section on after doing a search based on specfic words or phrases and available in the Public Domain via a Google Search
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