Over recent months, we have seen across the EMEA, the emergence of a new force within the business communication arena that is the NEWS!
Whether it be Business, Tech, FinTech or HealthTech to name a few, Bloomberg are really starting to break their ties from America and facilitate a unique offering to the Business Community of the EMEA.
OK, let’s just get the bad bits out of the way, they are:-
- Only still operating from 6.00am to 11.00am (well they did extend this to 1.00pm during the UK General election) but never continued with this format!
- Yes, still seeming to be focused and reliant on the big companies!
- Not really focusing on what is happening outside of London!
So, that is their three big on-going failures out of the way…let’s start on the positives and how they are nearly ready to blow the EMEA apart….
With their Bloomberg Radio – you have a great mirroring of their EMEA television content which really works well (even when they say look at this screen!) but again, this finishes at 10.00am before switching over to New York (aaahhh)! The radio content is really great and gives good insights on to starting the day, so for me, whilst the news maybe not be local, it’s business content is still a very key component to your business.
Simple – if something is happening that is negative, whilst you don’t think affects you, it does! The news on their radio show that they are reporting does relate to you and impacts on your business I would say around 80% of the time plus.
Someone once said to me that this is not the case. Well let’s say look at your local newsagent or say window cleaner. With the dying market of print media, print product sales are dropping and this is creating less revenue at the Newsagent. With the advancement of not just the Radio or TV but the internet also, people are grabbing their news on-line and on the go. Years ago, these newsagents would have waiting lists of children wanting to be Paper Boys/Girls but today, they are struggling to find them as it doesn’t seem to be “cool”! So, these News Channels are become the new print media product and this will circulated immediately, not the next day, few days later or following week! In many cases, Bloomberg scopes the news and then other news mediums get their “latest news” or “breaking news” via Bloomberg – so, don’t you want to be ahead of the game?
Take Window Cleaners, it used to be the case that virtually every house had their windows cleaned every week or two but now you are looking at around 1 in 10, or maybe 1 in 20 are have their windows cleaned around once every 6 to 8 weeks! Is it they don’t seem this important to consider this or see it as a regular disposable cost? So, now with the latest gadgets available, you can buy attachments and place them on the end of your hosepipe and clean them yourself or even you can go high-tech and buy robotic window cleaning devices. These companies developing, making and selling these products are in the news so, hence will be been reported on Bloomberg! (Isn’t this same theme as the above with newsagents??).
With their television channel (which provides the source and content for the radio as discussed above) which finishes at 11.00am, Bloomberg have created something that really covers so much and yet what makes it different, is that it isn’t really the roundabout of normal TV News channels! Instead of telling the same story in each hour (apart from major headlines), they are always bringing the latest breaking news and the consequences of it.
Yes it has the downside of not been mainstream and or on Freeview channels, thus meaning it is only available on Sky or the App within their website but it is still accessible to everyone and every business too!
You have the ability to connect that TV in your reception, lobby, offices or canteen, by changing, you can take your channel selection away from BBC News or Sky News and turn over to the Bloomberg Channel (on Sky Channel 502 or any of the platforms listed here) or just hook up a TV or monitor as a computer monitor to their website TV App. By having their breaking news on display, your staff will get to see the latest news and be able to share this within your company.
For example, is your company selling or buying from overseas? A member of staff may come across a news story which details about new ways to pay or transfer money overseas and this is something breaking that your finance teams may miss. So, then this can be transferred to them so they can look into it – a clear example of Social Collaboration within your company between colleagues…..
Collaboration, Engagement and Social…..
They are also embracing Social Business with things like “Twitter Question of the Day”, presenters been online and asking people to tweet them, further examples of Bloomberg is using Social Engagement to be at the forefront.
This process of not just the presenters but the production team and other staff, shows they are receptive to engaging and sharing things with their audience.
So, if Bloomberg can really take this forward…..
can they really can be a huge boost to the UK Business arena….
yes and here is why?
Simple, after 11.00am, they switch over to New York (and then later in the day to San Francisco) and continue reporting stories coming out of the US. Whilst this maybe good, they are highlighting stories around business and technology relating to services and products that aren’t always available to the EMEA (and in some cases – stories of this nature are described as breaking or new – yet when you look into them, we have had the products/services/technologies here in the EMEA for years!).
Thus, if we can bring Bloomberg back to the EMEA and then continuing after 11.00am allowing it to say continue broadcasting through to around 7.00 or 8.00pm – then we will be hearing more from EMEA companies as well as seeing/hearing of events taking place that we may want to attend or follow!!
With so much more reporting and touring around the EMEA, we can discover what is happening or not, what is hot or cold and generally learning that life isn’t after all just based in or revolving around the Americas!
We often (well virtually all the time) keep hearing about the Valley or what Investment/Hedge Funds and VC’s are up to, yet, if you listen to many other people or companies here in the UK and Europe, the talk is of how we are being a much more powerful Investment and Technology arena!
Yes there maybe millions flying around the Valley but also a lot of this cash is crashed and burnt more often than not.
Whereas here (even with all the moaning of individuals/companies struggling to raise finance), what we do experience is a lower risk of failure, plus that we don’t need for these companies to relocate to the Valley!
If you actually get to speak to some of the Tech Companies or Investment Companies/VC’s who have all decided to expand and open up here in the UK/Europe, they all say, that they wish they had opened here earlier! Doesn’t say it all about great the EMEA is…..
So, come on Bloomberg Europe……
time to stand up to the US and say…..
we are leaving and going alone as we have a huge EMEA audience to cater for…..
To learn more about bringing the future into your business today and setting you on the correct path for your future, as well as understanding the forward thinking and the views & opinions of Ian Calvert, the research for other companies that he is looking into and undertaking for companies or just to learn more about Ian Calvert and how he can help you further, you can visit his website here
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