Who in your Circle of Influence is an Influencer for you?
Following on from my blog about who may not be the type of Influencer’s you think they are, I was asked if I would create a page showing who I believe you should follow in 2014.
Thus my reasons for this list is that too many people:-
- post/tweet the same things or old information
- don’t both to do anything new, update or provide informative information
- provide which is new and possibly ground breaking information, applications or products
Thus, the criteria I have used for producing this list is:-
- Engage – these people actually communicate with you or re-tweet your tweets and take part in the dialogue on your posts or blogs
- Futuristic – these people are forward thinkers and look at emerging products, projects or technology based products and projects
- Informative – these people actually aren’t just restricting themselves to their profession but providing information on other professions too with their thoughts on those areas
- Influential – their Circles of Influence are people who can you help further plus they are happy to introduce you to their connections within their circle
- Inspire – These people actually offer words of wisdom and inspiration whether their own or sharing them from famous Inspirational People
- Networker’s – these people actually do take part in networking whether on-line or in person as well as hosting events or attending them
So, whilst I may not always agree with everything these people post or tweet, the main thing is how they behave and thus the information they share, actually make them the people who you should be following. The majority of the lists that are produced and published, are based on things like:-
- How many followers they
- How many people like their various pages
- The amount of connections the above have, thus showing the reach of their first line audience
- Amount of information shared
In conclusion, my list is based on people who can inspire, transform and help you to develop your business further. Feel free to click on the links below to explore them further:-
- Angela Clarke – @TheAngelaClarke – www.angelaclarke.co.uk
- Bill Grimsey – @BillGrimsey – www.vanishinghighstreet.com
- Brad Burton – @BradBurton – www.bradburton.biz
- Cheryl Richardson – @coachoncall – www.cherylrichardson.com
- Jacqueline Gold – @Jacqueline_Gold –www.jacquelinegold.com
- James Cann – @jamescaan – www.james-caan.com
- Julie White – @JulieDDrill – http://ow.ly/rgsq0
- Laura Witjens – @LauraWitjens – www.uk.linkedin.com/in/laurawitjens
- Lucy P. Marcus – @lucymarcus – www.marcusventures.com
- Martha Lane-Fox – @Marthalanefox – www.marthalanefox.com
- Melissa Stewart – @MelissaOnline – www.SheOwnsIt.com
- Melonie Dodaro – @MelonieDodaro – www.TopDogSocialMedia.com
- Mike Ames – @Mike_Ames_Flair – www.flair.co.uk
- Mike Pitt – @TheMikePitt – www.marketingfundamentals.com
- Neal Schaffer – @NealSchaffer – www.maximizeyoursocial.com
- Nigel Botterill – @nigelbotterill – www.nigelbotterill.com
- Nikki Woods – @NikkiWoods – www.nikkiwoodsmedia.com
- Penny Power – @pennypower – www.pennypower.co.uk
- Peter Thomson – @Peter_Thomson – www.peterthomson.tv
- Rachel Elnaugh – @RachelElnaugh – www.rachelelnaugh.com
- Rebekah Radice – @RebekahRadice – www.rebekahradice.com
- Simon Porter – @simonlporter – www.uk.linkedin.com/in/simonlporter
- Susanna Gebauer – @dreckbaerfrau – www.exploreb2b.com
- Tanya Rennick – @theoysterclub – www.theoysterclub.co.uk
- Theo Paphitis – @TheoPaphitis – www.theopaphitis.com
- Thomas Power – @thomaspower – www.rebelmouse.com/thomaspower/
- Tony Fish – @tonyfish – www.mydigitalfootprint.com
- Vanessa Brady – @vanessabrady – www.vanessabrady.com
- Name is hyper-linked through to their entry on Wikipedi
- Their Twitter account
- Their website
This list was complied based on my interactions, observations and views during the last twelve months and don’t use any calculations as these don’t take into account human interaction.
For further information, on Ian Calvert or to contact to find out more, please click here
3 Responses
Ian, I am impressed with what you have done here. Carleton (www.linkedin.com/in/carletonwmoten, @carletonwmoten
Thank you Ian for a great post. It is very inspirational. Much success to You.
Thank you Inge – very kind of you and much appreciated. I am hoping to update this, this week with some new additions…