Are you Showcasing?

So does your business Showcase?

#IanCalvert #Ian-Calvert #IanMCalvert #Ian-M-Calvert #LinkedIn #ServiceAddress #Service-Address #ShowcasePages #Showcase-Pages

With LinkedIn launching Showcase pages recently, have you implemented these into your business strategy yet? If not – why not?

The real benefit that many people have not seen or grasped yet, is how you can really develop so much of other parts of your business that you have or offer but people aren’t really aware of.

Showcasing enables you to allow people to really drill down into various ares of your company and can offer whilst you are able to promote aspects of your business you are always doing or offering but you just do or offer as a matter of course….

What are people missing?

What is there that a Showcase can offer?

Why should I have one?

Simple – it is you having the sole unique method of claiming what everyone is looking for via LinkedIn. When people are after something or looking for a service/product, they then search and what will they find? Your LinkedIn Showcase which gives you the advantage. Furthermore, your Showcase is showing not only about your services, offerings and products in a unique way but provides the latest news and information that details everything to your audience and your Peer’s too.

#IanCalvert #Ian-Calvert #IanMCalvert #Ian-M-Calvert #LinkedIn #ServiceAddress #Service-Address #ShowcasePages #Showcase-Pages

So what do you need to do? Firstly you need to have your Company Profile which is where you want everything, so when they require more information, people can see everything your company does and also, all information about the company too. If this is going back to a different section or part of your company, you may wish to consider setting up a separate Company Profile to suit your needs that you are promoting.

Once you have the Company Profile set up, then decide which area you want to promote and inform you audience about. (Remember, if you want to Showcase many areas of your business, you can have up to 10 Showcases attached to your Company Profile – should you wish more, then you can ask LinkedIn to release more). Your Showcase is effectively the landing page for what you are wanting to promote and circulate.

For example, let’s say you are a recruitment company and have your company page. You can have a Showcase on temporary employment and this will be your landing page about this. On your temporary employment Showcase, you will be able to post articles on everything to so with this, ranging from what is the latest laws, what is happening with regards to your rights, items that have been in the news relevant to temporary employment, etc, etc – furthermore, you can have an article on what to look for when looking to register with a recruitment company.

At the end of the day, you are not promoting your company directly but highlighting a part of your business by showcasing this area with the latest news and information on this topic. This helps you to develop much further as an Engager and Influencer, thus creating another level of credibility. Thus, in summary, you are highlighting an area of your industry which your company is well versed in and thus, subliminally guiding them back to your company.

Some examples of Showcase pages include:-

To understand more on Showcases why not speak to Service Address here to see how they can help you with their LinkedIn Services and how it can help both you and your business or alternatively, fill in this form below:-


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