Are you wanting something new or are you happy to see the same things again and again?

A question for you…..

– How do you learn?
– Is it by seeing something new?
– Is it by seeing something that seems new but is just a repeat of something weeks, months or even a year or two ago?

So what is your answer…….

In my own opinion, I want to be reading something new that can educate and inspire myself – not receive something and then discover it was posted or shared previously!

How about receiving something that implies that it is new but upon reading it, you see the date and it is several months old, last year or even older? Whilst some of the information may be relevant, aren’t you being mislead with the accompanying message implying it is new?

I guess what I am hinting at, is so many people that are called experts, are actually repeating the same messages over and over again – maybe spaced a week or more apart – but is this beneficial to you? Wouldn’t it be better saying in the message, a new overview which then links back to the original article?

I may be being controversial and seem to be commenting on people who may be very successful – more than I could ever be – or more liked and well known than myself, so why is it people have made the same observations yet don’t want to upset the ‘Apple Cart’ but feel the same? Is it because they are concerned that people will question them and imply they don’t know what the experts are saying?

If you actually look at these ‘so-called’ experts, how many have actually ran a real business or had a real job in a position where they have to control budgets and make decisions as to whether people have a job or not? Had the occasion where they need money to pay bills, rent or taxes and experienced the worry that goes with it?

If you look at the high percentage of these ‘ so called ‘ experts, they are people who are either from a Academic background or have decided to take a new career and choose to become mentors, educators or experts. Yet, how have they all done this, read books, listen to podcasts, CD’s or watched YouTube or DVD’s and maybe even attended seminars or training courses. So, yes they may have this knowledge – and possibly qualifications – but do they really know what it is like to be in the position of the business people they are trying to help or are they the right people to nurture and mentor people starting out in business?

Yes, education can be very beneficial but is education more important than actual real life experience? How often have you undertaken role play? If you asked those people to role play a situation in their business, could they actually do it? I guess a comparison could be ‘would you let someone who has only read books, read the internet and watched YouTube/DVD’s BUT never touched or spoken to a real patient be your doctor or surgeon?’ – no doubt, the answer will be always NO….

So, in summary…….

Whilst it may help to drive people to your website, like your Facebook page, your LinkedIn or Xing profiles by continually asking them but surely wouldn’t it be better to say, ‘pop over and have a look, please let me know what you think‘? Doesn’t this create better engagement and collaborate with your audience and potential clients?

Furthermore, I am not suggesting everyone who does re-posting is wrong; as some people who re-post, do it because the original posting is being constantly reviewed and commented on, thus re-posting is to share the new comments to their audience.

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