Working whilst relaxing……can this happen?

Do developers know what we need?


Or listen to other people’s clients?


After wasting most of the morning trying to do lots of work, the progress was slow as I decided to use the combination of iPhone & iPad. Trying to undertake the work that is normally so easier to do via a laptop made me think about what is happening…..

If we are to moving towards the mobile life (latest reports saying in 2014 there will be around one mobile device per person rising to two per person in 2018), are developers actually working to move this way?

We have developers designing and implementing programmes, applications and software that we want and are becoming more and more reliant on, which when we are using on our laptops & desktops are so easy and like second nature to use, and now they are moving them to mobile devices – are they easy to use or aren’t they?

At the same time, we have developers designing telephones and tablets that they think we need to use for our personal and business use – again, are they?

Yet isn’t is this where the problems begin…..

If we are to deliver the expectation of becoming a more inter-grated society by using mobile devices to work and share things then, these developers need to listen to all users as to what and when they are developing. Leaving the office environment – that we create both at home and at work – behind and beginning to work on the move, then communication is needed. This means that BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) is becoming more and more apparent yet to do this, full intergration is going to become more important.

What we need is for developers to actually work with software developers to deliver mobile devices and to provide products where we can work on the go, thus, saving us from having to carry laptops around too. We have seen the market for desktops rapidly decline recently and to move over to laptops with docking stations. So, now some manufacturers are looking at laptops with detachable screens that become tablets allowing working on the move – will they be ahead of mobile device manufacturers?

Thus, I think this highlights that whilst we trying to use mobile devices more and more, they aren’t able to integrate with our needs for all our business? Are mobile developers thinking/treating us like we are all the same, i.e. consumers not business people too? So as mobile devices operate around the consumer and thus everyone is happy, but are they and isn’t that was so last year?

More and more people are looking to earn extra money via secondary incomes or starting their own businesses – yet how easy is this? Take wanting to order something or produce receipts or invoices, do it on a desktop/laptop and it is easy, yet not when done on a mobile device. Many companies are now offering to design and build mobile applications for use on the devices to replicate desktops and laptops requirements which sometimes can be out of reach of many start-ups or small businesses.

So moving forward, am I right in thinking that mobile companies need to move quickly and listen as opposed to dictating? It would seem that desktop companies like Microsoft and HP are moving into laptops where the screens become tablets, yet are still acting in most cases like laptops, so work on the go is becoming more of a reality…….or are we still a long way off?

Look forward to your thoughts on this…….

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